The EC Leach Team’s Recycling Technology Already in High Demand
Since graduating from the Energy I-Corps program, EC Leach’s technology has been licensed in the battery sector and other companies are pursuing licenses including in the mining sector.
Alquimista Collaborates with DOE's Idaho National Laboratory
EC-Leach, a 2022 R&D 100 Award winner, uses electrons as a green reagent for extracting critical and strategic materials from spent batteries.
Powering the Hydrogen Economy
We source, refine and produce the Platinum Group Metals which are the critical minerals that POWER the hydrogen economy.
Fully Traceable Supply Chains Using Blockchain Technology
Blockchain Technology allows us to fully digitize our supply chains, expedite legal timelines, and prove traceability throughout our supply chain
Producing Critical Metals Imperative to U.S. National Security
Powering the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Alquimista produces the metals critical to the next era in technology
Empowering a Resilient Energy Sector in the Americas
American Precious and Platinum Group Metals Refinery
We take pride in being the only functioning Platinum Group Metals refinery in the United States of America
Can blockchain tech solve the traceability problems that plague the industry?